Wood Road since 1968

St. Joseph’s Primary School was established at its present address in September 1968, upon its branching off from St. Joseph’s College at Kennedy Road. The year of 2018 marks the 50th anniversary of St. Joseph’s Primary School at Wood Road. In celebration of this special anniversary, a series of commemorative events will be organized in 2018 including a Celebration Mass, a Showcase and a Gala Dinner.

The provision of quality education in an ideal learning environment has always been our goal to pursue for excellence. In order to achieve this, the School has set up the “SJPS Golden Jubilee Education Fund” for the purpose of sponsoring the 50th Anniversary Celebration events, enhancing learning and teaching such as promoting e-learning, upgrading school facilities including renovating the 1/F Computer Room into an E-learning Activity Room, purchasing tablets etc. We are now making a fund-raising appeal with the target amount of HK$5 million. Your esteemed financial contribution will definitely help the School advance to the next era of education innovations.
All donations, irrespective of the amount, will be gratefully accepted and acknowledged, and are on a voluntary basis. Kindly complete the ‘Donation Form’ (click HERE) and return it, together with the crossed cheque made payable to “The IMC of St. Joseph’s Primary School”, to the General Office of SJPS on or before Friday, 26th October, 2018. (Please write your name and mobile phone number on the back of the cheque.)



請填妥捐款表格(請按此) 及附上劃線支票(支票背面須寫上您的姓名及手機號碼,抬頭為「聖若瑟小學法團校董會」),於二零一八年十月二十六日(星期五)或以前交回聖若瑟小學校務處。本校重申,任何捐款純屬自願性質。所有捐款,無論多寡,本校致以衷心感謝。